Asite Solutions to be featured on 21st Century Business, September 12, 2009 , Fox Business
Network (as paid programming)
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London, United Kingdom and Boca Raton, FL (September 11, 2009) --- Multi-Media Productions (USA), Inc. announces that Asite Solutions will be featured on the 21st Century Business news programme in airings across more than 50 regional markets in the United States.
Asite provides businesses, organisations and people with Collaborative Software as a Service (cSaaS) Technology and Solutions. Asite delivers this award winning service via their cloud-based platform, through innovative and cost-effective subscription plans.
By enabling clients to increase control over their projects, Asite improves productivity, reduces project risk, creates stronger trading relationships and enhances assembly of and accessibility to management information.
“Asite has delivered on my vision” - Sir John Egan, Chairman, Asite Solutions Ltd. Author of Rethinking Construction - 1998 Construction Industry Report
JL Haber, Vice President of Programming for 21st Century Business states, “Asite Solutions is an innovative company with a unique mission. We are excited to have them on our show.”
About Asite
Asite delivers flexible IT solutions for collaboration, trading and sourcing for use by any company at any point in the supply chain. For more information about Asite, please call +44 (0)207 749 7880 or send an email to:marketing@asite.com
About 21st Century Business
21st Century Business is independently produced by Multi-Media Productions and is distributed worldwide on Fox Business News (as paid programming). The show is an informative magazine style program that exhibits the hottest stories, trends and breakthroughs that will educate and motivate our viewers. For specific market-by-market air dates and times, please e-mail moniqueh@mmpusa.com. For more information, please visit www.21cbtv.com
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