Asite's Spring 08 release introduces new features based on Asite users' requirements and ensures that the platform reduces construction project risk by enhancing communication, information sharing and project management.
Some of the new developments are:
Asite Navigator - The Missing Link: Navigator is a client application (i.e. installed on your PC) that removes the need for you to manually manage files between your office and your collaboration environment; The Navigator tells you what you need to do! Navigator provides an interface between the Asite Platform and your local file server or Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system. It allows you to check in/out files for offline editing, and synchronise them back to the Asite Platform when you've finished. It also tells you when files you have saved locally (i.e. offline) have been revised on the Web application (i.e. online), and allows you to easily download the latest versions, great for large projects where CAD models and other documents from the team are constantly being revised. Now you don't have to think about whether you downloaded the latest version. Navigator does the thinking for you!
Check-In / Check-Out / Document Locking: Ensure that your documents are being revised by only one person at a time.
Enhanced Email integration: Capture project related emails with the ability to distribute within the Platform.
Enhanced administrative capability: Improve your project control.
Use an Excel spreadsheet to import document details: Upload your files quickly.
Automatic generation of issue/transmittal sheets: Streamline your QA process.
Tony Ryan, Asite CEO commented "The Asite Spring 08 release delivers a truly modern document control facility for both the web-based desktop ways of working. By enabling the synchronisation of online and offline usage, Asite provides the perfect solution for members of the design team who handle large numbers of files which are constantly being revised."
For more information please call on +44 (0)207 749 7880 or email marketing@asite.com.
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