Do you know what BIM stands for?
These three letters can significantly impact your business—for the better.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) introduces a range of benefits to your business, projects, and team.
But for BIM to truly thrive, it requires collaboration—a critical element of its implementation. If you don’t collaborate, you’re not being BIM compliant. The ideal approach is an open, collaborative platform across the entire supply chain.
So, what are these benefits we’re talking about:
The Asite cBIM Solution
When it comes to BIM, Asite provides THE collaborative solution.
The cloud-based Asite Platform gives projects and their team visibility, security, and control across the entire collaborative BIM process with Asite cBIM.
The Asite collaborative Building Information Model (cBIM) solution facilitates secure communication between those working on a project.
Teams can view, search, and coordinate issues around objects within individual and federated models, enhancing collaboration and visibility throughout the project lifecycle. Additionally, while managing models, users can reference documents and electronic forms stored within the Common Data Environment (CDE) to enrich communications further.
So, how does it work?
Asite cBIM offers a whole host of benefits to project teams, including:
- Creating a Single Source of Truth—All model versions and their associated data are stored and updated in the Asite CDE, creating a single reference point
- Supporting Open and Native Formats—The federation of IFC files is supported, as well as over 50 native formats, including Revit, Rhino, Solidworks, Sketchup, and Point Cloud. COBie data can also be exported to facilitate the management of assets.
- Ensuring Auditability and Version Tracking—A clear audit trail is created as all revisions are timestamped and stored in the CDE
- Easy Storage of As-Built Information—As-built information, which can be associated with model objects, is stored in the cloud to make project handovers easier and faster at any stage in the project lifecycle or after
BIM improves how we work today and has provided a strong foundation for construction’s digital future. In fact, according to Dodge Data and Analytics, 82% of BIM users report a positive return on investment. Is it time to get on board?
Ready to Start Your BIM Journey? Take the Next Step—Download Our Free BIM Booster Guide
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